JAKARTA: Video-sharing social networking service TikTok reunited twin sisters after a span of 24 years in Indonesia.
According to the details, the two Indonesian twin sisters, Trena and Treni, were born in Ambon, Maluku, in 1996. Their parents were participants of the government’s transmigration program, which aimed to relocate families to regions outside of the densely populated Java Island.
The two Indonesian twin sisters had been separated when they were two months old due to local superstitions and an episode of sectarian violence in 1999.
24 years on, Trena, who had been trying to locate her sister, suddenly found Treni’s TikTok videos and decided to contact her.
They later had extensive discussions with each other before Treni decided to meet Trena and her biological parents.
Treni said that she had no idea she had a twin sister until Trena contacted her. she said, “At first I didn’t believe it. I thought it was a scam, someone who only looks similar to me.”
“I was shocked, and happy beyond words when I found out,” Treni added.