In an incredible incident, a three-year-old boy saved his friend from drowning in a swimming pool in Brazil.
In a CCTV footage, that went viral on social media, Arthur de Oliveira,3, can be seen trying to save the life of his friend, Henrique, after he fell into the pool in Itaperuna area of Rio de Janeiro.
According to the details, the two minor boys had reportedly sneaked out of their homes and went to play near the pool. The incident took place when one of them suddenly fell into the pool while trying to catch an inflatable ring.
In the video, Oliveira is seen looking around for help and his friend is struggling to swim out. After finding no help, Oliveira grabs his friend’s hand and finally pulls him out of the water.
His mother, Poliana Console de Oliveira, shared the video on social media. In her post, she wrote,“This video serves as an alert for those who have a pool at home and children. Thank God the ending is happy.”
“It was 30 seconds of carelessness, the caretaker’s son left the house without telling his mother. Don’t neglect! In my heart I just have gratitude for the life of Arthur’s friend and I am proud of my son’s courageous, quick and loving attitude,” she added.
In recognition of his heroic act, the military police of Itaperuna awarded the three-year-old boy a certificate and a trophy.