In a strange yet tragic incident, a woman unknowingly travelled with dead body of her husband for 13 hours in India’s Ahmedabad to Ayodhya-bound train.
According to Indian media, the incident took place after the couple, with their children, had boarded the train from Surat to Ayodhya.
Shortly after boarding the train, the man slept with his wife sitting by his side. After several hours, when the man didn’t wake up, the family of the passenger and others tried to wake him up. However, the man didn’t respond.
This made the family worried after all the attempts to wake up the person went in vain.
Later, it was found that the man was no longer alive. The family of the deceased and the other passengers were shocked beyond belief.
The family and other passengers couldn’t believe that the man who had boarded the train in an absolutely normal state, had passed away mid-journey.
Indian media reported that it had been close to 13 hours since the man had died and his wife and family were seated close to the man.
Following the confirmation of the dead, the man’s body was taken down at Jhansi junction, where doctors and police teams were already present.
The incident created shockwaves among the passengers and whoever learnt about the incident was struck by disbelief.