Seasoned filmmaker Imtiaz Ali of the Bollywood blockbuster 'Jab We Met' revealed where the beloved couple Geet and Aditya would be today, after their...
In a rather shocking revelation, seasoned Bollywood filmmaker Imtiaz Ali disclosed that he was advised against casting A-list actors Kareena and Shahid Kapoor in...
Fans disappointed by Shahrukh Khan and Anushka Sharma's latest release ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ have asked for a refund.
Jab Harry Met Sejal, directed by...
Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif said that she might not be happy with Ranbir Kapoor working with his ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone, but she said that it was their choice alone.
Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone broke down on the last day of their shooting for Imtiaz Ali's upcoming film 'Tamasha', according to an Indian website
MUMBAI: There are loud whispers in the industry about how Ranbir Kapoor has given strict instructions to his girlfriend Katrina Kaif to stay away from the shoot of Imtiaz Ali’s Tamasha.